How to Add Fiber to a Dog’s Diet

A golden doodle trying to eat green beans.

There are many delicious ways to add fiber to your dog’s diet to aid in digestion. You can give them: berries, sweet potatoes, green beans, whole grains, etc. 

Importance of Fiber For Dogs

Fiber is important for the digestive health of humans and animals alike. There are many reasons why you should make sure your dog is getting enough fiber in their diet including blood pressure and blood sugar regulation. Adding fiber to your dog’s diet can help with constipation and diarrhea. It acts as a digestive equalizer. 

How Much Fiber Should I Give My Dog?

Every dog has different needs. The amount of fiber your dog needs is based on their size, their digestive history, and their current diet. For recommendations specific to your dog, consult your local veterinarian. 

Healthy Sources of Fiber for Dogs 

There are many healthy (and tasty) ways to add fiber to your dog’s diet, including:

Dog food

Most dog food manufacturers add fiber to the kibble to keep your dog regular. In theory, this should be enough fiber for your dog, but each dog has different needs. 

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin puree is a tasty way to add fiber to your dog’s diet! However, make sure that you are not giving them pumpkin pie filling, which contains spices and added sugar that could be harmful for your dog. You can add 1 TBSP – ¼ cup of pumpkin puree to their kibble or you can make homemade dog treats with pumpkin puree. 

Green Beans

Green beans are a whole food that offer a substantial amount of fiber. However, raw green beans are harder for your dog to digest, so you should steam them before serving. Giving your dog canned green beans should be avoided because of the higher sodium content. 

Sweet Potatoes

Much like green beans, sweet potatoes can give your dog a healthy dose of fiber. You should steam the sweet potatoes before serving them to your dog. Once soft, they should be mashed and added to your dog’s food. 


Berries like blueberries and strawberries are a sweet treat for your dog and can give them some added fiber. Because of their high sugar content, you should avoid making berries a frequent treat. 


Apples are a fan favorite in the dog world, and are a high-fiber treat. They also have the added benefit of teeth cleaning as your dog chews them up. You should not give your dog the core or the seeds of an apple as they contain toxins that are unsafe. 

Whole Grains

Grains such as brown rice, cooked oats, and bran flakes are often included in dog food because of their high fiber content. You can combine them with vegetables like sweet potatoes or green beans to give them a boost. 

Fiber Supplements

There are a variety of fiber supplements you can purchase to give your dog. They should not be used as a long-term solution, though. If you have questions about which supplements are safe for your dog, contact their veterinarian.


All in all, fiber is a very important inclusion to your dog’s diet and there are many delicious ways to add it. As with all things, if you have questions specific to your dog, contact their veterinarian.

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