Can Dogs Eat Salt?

Yes, dogs can eat salt, but in a small amount. If a dog eats too much salt, it can lead to extreme thirst and some serious health issues.

The most common way dogs ingest a large amount of salt is by eating human food, such as chips, pretzels, or other salty snacks. It is also common for dogs to exceed their salt intake by swimming in the ocean. 

While dogs can eat small amounts of salt, it is recommended to avoid extra salt intake. Large amounts of salt can cause extreme thirst, vomiting, and diarrhea. It also puts your dog at risk for Sodium ion poisoning, which can lead to seizures, muscle tremors, and gastrointestinal issues. 

The most common ways to tell if your dog has eaten too much salt are: 

  • Frequent urination
  • Extreme thirst 
  • Gastrointestinal upset (vomiting or diarrhea)

If you are worried your dog has ingested too much salt, ensure they have access to fresh water to help flush the sodium from their system and call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline.

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