How long are dogs pregnant?

Pregnant French bulldog with brindle coloring standing outside

Dogs are pregnant for 62-64 days, which is about two months. Predicting when puppies will be born can be difficult because the date of breeding doesn’t always match the date of conception. Eggs are fertile for 48 hours and sperm can live up to a week inside of the dog. The length of pregnancy can vary slightly, depending on the breed of dog and litter size. 

How to tell if your dog is pregnant

There are multiple signs that can indicate if your dog is pregnant. If you’ve noticed changes like decreased activity, change in appetite, unusual behavior, enlarged or discolored nipples, weight gain, an enlarged abdomen, or nesting behaviors, it is possible they are pregnant.

If you think your dog is pregnant, take her to the vet. The vet will be able to tell if she’s actually pregnant by doing examinations and tests. Hormone tests which look for relaxin, a hormone only released during pregnancy, will confirm whether or not your dog is actually pregnant. This test will have the most accuracy when your dog is at least 30 days into gestation. A vet can also do palpitations to your dog’s abdomen to feel for the fetus. As the fetus develops, a membrane around the puppies grows to form fluid-filled sacs, which can feel like tennis balls or grapes depending on the breed of dog. This examination can be done at 21-35 days of gestation. 

X-rays and ultrasounds are also used to determine pregnancy. Breeders like to use x-rays to know how many puppies to expect. X-rays are used later in a dog’s pregnancy. However, ultrasounds can be used early to confirm pregnancy and to hear fetal heart beats. 

Stages of pregnancy

A dogs’ gestation period is short compared to other mammals. This means that the puppies develop rapidly over a period of two to three months. Female dogs can only get pregnant if they are in their reproductive cycle, which is also known as going into heat. 

Reproductive cycle 

Female dogs go into heat every six months and their cycle lasts about 21 days, broken into four stages. In the first stage called proestrus, female dogs will attract male dogs. This stage lasts about nine days. The second stage, called estrus, is when most breeders will have the dogs breed. This stage lasts 4-11 days. In the third stage called diestrus, female dogs will no longer permit mating. The final stage is anestrus and refers to the time between heats. 

Month one 

Once the reproductive cycle is completed, and if the dog was bred and becomes pregnant, then the embryos travel to the uterine lining. The fetuses begin to take shape around day 22, and by day 30 veterinarians should be able to detect fetal heartbeats. 

During the first three weeks of pregnancy, most dogs don’t show any symptoms. Although you should be on the lookout for morning sickness, decreased activity, change in appetite, unusual behavior, enlarged or discolored nipples, weight gain, an enlarged abdomen, and nesting behaviors. If any of these symptoms become worrisome, contact your veterinarian. 

Month two

During the second month of pregnancy, the fetuses are growing quickly. Eyelids and toes are visible by day 35. Claws, coat, and skeleton are seen by day 45. By day 58, the number of puppies can be seen on an x-ray and your dog will start looking for places to nest, also known as whelping. By the end of month two, you’ll be able to see puppy movement in the abdomen and your dog will have gained weight. 

During the last few days of pregnancy, you’ll notice your dog’s behavior change as she prepares for labor. She can become restless, start pacing, panting, shivering, or digging. There will be a drop in body temperature about 24 hours before labor begins. The puppies will have moved into the birthing position. During this time it is important to have the veterinarian on hand if anything goes wrong. 

What to feed a pregnant dog?

Pregnant dogs need a well rounded diet that is built on protein and fats, which will help your dog stay strong during her pregnancy. Dogs also need healthy fats like omega fatty acids, which can be found in eggs, salmon, and chia seeds. To learn more click here.


Preparing for puppies can be exciting and stressful, but the most important part is making sure that your dog is safe. Know the signs and stages of pregnancy, what to feed her, and take her to the vet if you are concerned about her or the puppies health. If you are interested in knowing how to better care for your dog’s health click here. 

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