When do puppies start walking and opening their eyes?

Bulldog puppy taking its first steps

Puppies will open their eyes after around 10-14 days and will usually begin learning how to walk between 18 and 28 days old.

Puppies continue to develop and grow long after they are born. They do not immediately begin to walk or open their eyes because their muscles and optic nerves are not fully developed before birth. Puppy development will vary between breeds and even between individual dogs, but you can expect your puppy to have opened their eyes within two weeks and to be walking within four weeks.

Before your puppy begins to walk, you should expect to see them push themselves around on the ground to strengthen their leg muscles. After about a week they will usually be able to lift their bodies with their forelegs and should make their first attempts at fully standing after 2-3 weeks. This process helps them work their way toward walking, which should happen between 3-4 weeks old. If your dog is not walking after 4 weeks you should consult your veterinarian.

Puppies opening their eyes can also be a gradual process. Sometimes a dog will open one eye at a time, so do not be alarmed if one eye remains closed for a short time after the other opens. A puppy’s vision continues to improve and develop even after they first open their eyes and is not fully developed until around eight weeks. Before eight weeks their eyesight will be limited and somewhat sensitive. Never attempt to force your puppy’s eyes open before they are ready. If there are any visible issues or your puppy’s eyes have not opened after 2 weeks, consult a veterinarian.

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