Why Do Dogs Roll in Poop?

A white puppy rolling around in the grass.

Dogs usually roll in poop to either cover or pick up a scent. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to stop this behavior.

Why Is Your Dog Rolling in Poop?

If you own a dog, odds are you’ve watched in horror as they roll around in a big ole pile of poop. It is not a habit that humans have adopted, so it may be hard for us to understand the appeal. However, it’s almost second nature to our dog friends. They have solid reasoning though: 

If you find your dog rolling in their own poop, they are likely trying to mask their scent. It is believed to be a trait that comes from their wolf roots. If you find your dog rolling in another dog’s poop, they are probably trying to mark their territory. Either that, or they just like the scent (yes, really). In addition, they may want to keep the scent with them to tell their other dog friends where they’ve been. 

How to Stop Your Dog From Rolling in Poop

Without the control of a leash, one of the only solutions is to teach your dog a “leave it” command. Teaching this command can take a while, and should start with something small, like a sock or a toy. Once they are reliably obeying the command, you can test it out with poop. Beyond that, there is not much you can do about your dog rolling in the poop except to keep them on a short leash. It is best to invest in a high quality dog shampoo.

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